
Who or what exactly are Gaymers EU? We are an active group of friends who began our career with our signature Game Nights and have been expanding our assortment to include other events as the years went by. We used to play a lot of videogames, board games and just had a good time at each other’s homes. We gradually started to grow, gained more presence online, had bigger meetings and, eventually, our once-little group started to become a bit more formal. Below you will find a recollection of our timeline which we hope will explain a bit of how all of this came to be.


“It is me Passy, founder of the Gaymers EU back in 2009 on facebook when it was still called Gay Gamers NL. Before we created the group on Facebook I started in 2007 with friends organising gamenights at home, the same events that grew to larger proportions today. Besides the foundation I work as an host in an Grand Café, so I know a thing or two about hosting and making people feel comfortable.

Interested in mostly everything Nintendo and just love The Legend of Zelda. Also into a lot of tabletop games with social deduction or dice mechanics, nice deckbuilding games are always a nice welcome. Of Course I have the obligatory gaming PC on which I spend most times watching Anime, Youtube, Netflix and try to keep my sanity while being on our Discord. The moments I do have to myself I like to play some Valheim, Minecraft and Satisfactory, and a lot of steam games.”


"I was born in the beautiful Merksem in Antwerp, Belgium. And now live in the south of Antwerp.

What I especially enjoy with games and online gaming is the social aspect, playing games together, laughing a little and having fun and doing what you feel like doing.

I'm one as I like to call it an All-round player, this means games on PC, xbox, playstation, nintendo consoles as well as board games as well as IRL games (just think live stratego or the like.)

In daily life I can be found as a desk employee in the Albert Heijn, or as a wait staff in a café in the heart of Antwerp. I'm a pretty open and honest person, (and sometimes a hothead :p) I also really enjoy a drink with or with the friends, or a cozy dinner.

Got more questions? Hit me up.! "


Hoi hoi. Voor iedereen die mij nog niet zo goed kent. Ik ben Bas Goossens. Misschien heb je me op een van de eventjes of op de foto's al voorbij zien komen. Ik ben ondertussen al een jaar of 6 actief bij de Gaymers.

Toen ik erbij kwam werd ik met open armen ontvangen en al snel kon ik naar een Game Night en heb ik heel veel nieuwe mensen leren kennen. Ik heb recentelijk besloten dat ik graag mee zou helpen om de nu stichting verder te helpen met groeien zodat ze nog vele jaren voor kan bestaan zodat het doel, LHBTI+'ers een plek bieden om bij elkaar te komen zodat zij hun interesses in games en gaming met elkaar kunnen delen, voort kan bestaan en we hopelijk zo veel mogelijk mensen hierin kunnen helpen.

Om die reden heb ik mijzelf aangeboden als nieuw bestuurslid. Pascal en Jelle hebben mij met open armen ontvangen en ik ben gemotiveerd om hen zo veel mogelijk te assisteren zodat we er met zijn alle nog vele vele jaren een mooi gayming feestje van kunnen maken.